Monday, February 27, 2017
The little children told my phone to update. So blogger keeps crashing on me. Ugh. Hopefully it quits and I can really post again soon.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Stella came from a wooded farm. Which is ideal for goats. We don't have our wooded area fenced yet. (Bought the neighbors property a mth ago) so I'm taking Stella out daily and tethering her for a hour or so. I try to get her in a brushy area. She loves the chance to get out of her smaller pen.
Our plan is to get two electric netting fences. One for the goats. Sheep and Daisy. And the second for the chickens. But so far he hasn't had time to look at them online. The options are endless. And consequently overwhelming. So that task waits. Soon though. That also puts in a need for a Mobile chicken tractor for layers. I'm thinking like Justin Rhodes Chickshaw. But I'm too lazy to link it. Sorry.
I've nearly cleared out all the raised beds. 5 large stones and a railroad tie are left. I can't do lots of moving with my shoulder so I've decided 1 a day. Slow and steady I suppose.
We are schooling and that is a huge deal. Mostly because the weather begs us outside. We are trying for a even mix. The little 3 ( not counting Naomi since she's a baby) are working through easy readers. That is fun and also takes lots of patience on my end. And Malachi's. He wants to read higher lever stuff yesterday. Trying to keep him satisfied and moving forward is kinda rough.
Patrick and I were feeling kinda ick so we attempted naps. He succeeded. But he could sleep through a rock concert. I failed but made myself rest in hopes it helps. Naomi had something she's over now so I'm wondering if it it is why we feel like this today.
The rabbit ( Lady Marian Fitzwalter) is due on the 27th. But I haven't felt for babies. She's pretty skidish.
So time will tell. We try to give them both fresh greens daily. They love it.
I made this last week. A Coptic Stitch journal for this years garden, food preservation and animals. Leather bound with pretty discounted leather from Tandys. Yes. I cut it wonky. Oops.
I like Coptic stitch because it lays flat and is simple to make. Wisdom. Judah. And Malachi. Each made one as well. And Lilley is ready to stitch hers together. Projects cause ripples here. I needed a journal. Everyone else followed. I love it.
I'm so excited. I ordered these seeds last night. I needed green beans. We have never canned enough to get us past December. Even with Grandma Katherine growing and canning some for us. Ideally we need to can enough to get to June 1st. So I'm hoping that a lb will get us somewhere. Might have to order another 1# later. These are all heirloom seeds.
I'm looking forward to chèvre stuffed nasturtiums and vinegar and salads. Not to mention the pretty colors. So exciting!
Zinnias! I knew a beautiful old lady (Patrick grew up with her) named Zinnia. And Miss Dorothy was known for her zinnias. We must have vases full of them this year.
And last but not least Borage. I think it's a lovely plant. Great for salads and pot greens. As well as (flowers) tea. And is great for bees.
I'm so excited. I want color everywhere. This said by a person that lived many years in navy black and brown to hide. Now I'm old and fat and bold with color. And I love it!
Wisdom helped chop a pumpkin to give the animals.
Stella loved it. As did Daisy Mae.
But Fawn won and ate the majority. Gracie and Frankincense only sniffed it.
My sister came out and we made spring rolls and curried rice for lunch. And then later I remembered the marinating ribeyes. So we had to Pollyanna it for supper. Homemade Ice cream! And Joelle decided GF brownies were needed as well. These girls liked the salty ice. We had to move them away. I think they would have eaten the majority of it had we let them.
The recipe we used was Martha Stewart's French Vanilla that our friend Tabitha made us many years back. Her food is legendary. There are several things i make of hers. And the children compare it to their memory of hers everytime.
Dirty ice muncher. Today was insane weather! A most perfect day!
Wisdom and Charity. Her beloved cat. We inherited her when the neighbors moved and left her. But I was looking for another cat anyway. 1 isn't enough for a farm really.
My (nephew) boy liked Sandy a whole lot. Sandy goes in tomorrow to be fixed. I'm thankful. But surgery always makes me nervous.
Astrid was older and had had puppies before she was fixed. But she has been more down? Since she was fixed last year. It makes me sad. So I am nervous it will change Sandy too. But worth not having puppies I suppose.
A cranker. He likes tasks. But loses focus easy. But getting better at it as he ages.
Lilley had a late night snack of oatmeal (whose child is this??) and was knitting on yarn from friends. She was laughing at me thinking I was taking a selfie. Ha! I told her I took a Lilley. Yesterday
War! Cards are a big deal around here currently.
Our chickens are Laying pretty well. But I'm not certain we are finding them all. Soon I hope to have them fully caged.
Freshly fed souredough starter. I hope he grows big and strong.
In the back is my scoby hotel. I am finally starting up Kombucha again.
Wisdom has decided this is the next baby carrier she wants. It is from a book 'Mario, A Belizian Boy'
If you agree to read a book to one child more come.
Wisdom is making chocolate pudding. We eat a double batch in one sitting. But a double batch is only 5 cups of milk.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
House garden.
House garden mulched. And extended by 40% or so. Had to have the children help with the end. My shoulder was giving me fits. Ugh. My chiropractor closed shop and moved. Too far away. And I refuse to get another if I can help it. Been looking up ways to self adjust. It has helped. But not enough.
Bulk shopping
At least from the local Mennonite store. Beans and other things must be ordered. And needs to happen soon. I need to can beans for summer use.
50lbs of flour
100lbs oats
50 lbs of sugar
1/2 gallon of honey
4 lbs of cocoa
5 lbs of
🥜 butter
3 packs chocolate chips
4.5 lbs salt
1.5 lbs corn starch
2 lbs baking powder
4lbs baking soda
4 lbs crispy rice
5 lbs raisins
10 oz cream of tartar
100lbs oats
50 lbs of sugar
1/2 gallon of honey
4 lbs of cocoa
5 lbs of

3 packs chocolate chips
4.5 lbs salt
1.5 lbs corn starch
2 lbs baking powder
4lbs baking soda
4 lbs crispy rice

5 lbs raisins
10 oz cream of tartar
1 qt chlorophyll
Bottle of Rennet. (8 ounce?)
We try to do this monthly. But is has been much longer. It is hard to go 45 minutes away. We are getting too busy just here at home. Price was $200. Can't beat it anywhere. I never buy Rice Krispies. But we just had great granola bars at a friends last week. And the children have wanted them since. So I figured it was worth it.
The recipe was from Mom with a mission blog. Her chewy granola bars. So good. Below is our first batch. A double batch. I'm Hoping I can make them be the first breakfast in the morning. So while I cook I don't hear about how hungry they are. Haha!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Trying to be here again
Our second vase of daffodils. We love them! And need a million more flowers.
I'm making a new sourdough starter. I thought it might be bubbly enough to make a thin crust pizza. It did ok. But still needs to grow up a bit.
Naomi is learning how to use scissors. These bits were her gift to me. Half cut half ripped. I love them. But a picture is enough for me.
Doubling the size of the house garden. And I'm hoping to get all the hay laid out in the next hr.
Chickens are either helpful or destructive. They get cooped tonight. No more free range. I'm hoping to plant a spring vegetable garden before weeks end. Time will tell.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Mrs M's Brownies
2 cups sugars
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 flour
All sifted together
1 tsp salt
3 eggs
2 melted sticks of butter
1TBSP vanilla
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