Ran is really good at closing her eyes in pictures. We tried. ;)
She is the meat chopper. She did great! She is careful and does so well!
No stopping her! She sees work and gets in there. <3
CHEESE! Grater! Willy loves this job. Anytime it needs done she does it!
I try to NEVER turn a child away from working. They call it fun and want to join in. Everyone is needed to get things done smoothly and quickly. That night we had burritos on the table in a half hour. AND made homemade tortillas. 'I' could NOT do it alone. My children are great helpers. I don't want to ruin that by saying no and pushing them aside. I would be ruining things instead of raising them up to be strong independent people.
I believe I could let each of my girls take a turn at running the house (cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the babies) and they could do it fine. On different levels (they are 6 years apart oldest to youngest) But I am confident they could do it.
The children are in the kitchen washing dishes and cooking with me as soon as they can sit. Before really in my Ergo.
When I was younger and babysitting I remember a boy I watched talking about his 6th grade home EC class. I asked him what he learned so far. He said how to make a PB &J sandwich and kraft Mac and cheese. I was shocked! What? Do they not think a 11 or 12 yr old child is more capable than that? I know mine are. And they learned by watching and helping. Most I did not purposely show them the details. They just got it. And are all better cooks than I am in most things. (Praise the Lord! I want to lose the job! ;) )
We need to give children the opportunity and trust they will have success. They CAN do it!
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