A new hat for Patrick on my needles. Natural colored alpaca yarn. Fingerling weight. But I double it. Identical to his hat from last year. Which was my firs t hat (knitted) ever. Super easy this go round.

Last minute run to J.Wray Co with a friend got me a few steals. Yarn shops. Hard not to say one of each please. ;) should have added in a skein of yarn for me a hat. But socks are interesting me lots. Just hope I have the patience to learn. Oye. Kinda scared. Not pictured are stitch markers! Yeah! No more using my rings to mark my place! So exciting!
It's lovely to see a new post. Also, miss you on fb. :)
You can do it! I can't wait to see your finished socks! Then, when you can, you can teach me how, lol!
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