Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Remodeling, cleaning and dreaming of knitting...

Yesterday I pulled up half the carpet in my bedroom and half in the children's bedroom. Along with various other chores. I was woken up at two in the morning to Rhyyan (9) saying she had ripped up all the carpet in her room. I thought yeah right the side that held the bunk bed and everything else... ( this girl has been known to sleep walk) so I told her to go to bed and get up i the morning. To which she replied 'it is morning, it is 2 in the morning' I again said go to bed. <I'd rather not get woke up in the night. Ick> 
    This morning I walked past their room... Carpet was all in a heap... Except where she and Joelle had left it under the legs of the bed. She said they tried several times to move the bed but each effort was fruitless... I wasn't dreaming. She really had came in to tell me what she had done. And in my grumpy let me sleep mood I hadn't even said thank you. She did however love my shocked look this morning. I think that made up for it. 
    Those are two of my children. Mine. Doing hard work. Just to surprise me. I'm thankful. I wouldn't have finished today had they not done that. I so thankful. They don't always keep their room clean. Or get their chores done fast. But. They can still work their tails off. They're awesome. 
    And I on the other side of their wall slept through it all... They were pretty surprised at that I hear...


Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! That is funny! So, what was under the carpet?

Patrick and Emily said...

My bedroom is like the living room. With one plywood patch. Which is covered with furniture. No plans to put down flooring.
Girls room is plywood. So we will lay something in there.