Friday, December 18, 2015

I miss being here.

I am missing my blog. I also have renewed hope for our little homestead. After our 2014 of crazy stuff. You know huge gardens. Milking. And 900 chickens... We needed the break. We were burnt out. And since we traveled to the east coast this summer my garden dreams were dashed. I couldn't do it with being gone 3 weeks. 
   But since Fawn left to go visit her bullfriend down the road. I feel ready. Ready to take the whole thing on again. A couple mths ago we were done. We were ready to leave this place. We have neighbors that , while they are friendly, at least one family is... They have dogs that run in packs. And keep poor Astrid busy. They have issues. Law and family problems. And it is not fun to live near. Drunks with guns,etc. but I don't know if it is mellowing out or if it is just winter. But I am back to being in love with this place. Despite the pit bull dog packs. I hope I don't regret it. I do think though we need better fencing. A privacy fence would be heavenly. 
   But on to better things... We are setting things up to grow microgreens. I am excited. We adore salad. This is a fast easy way to eat lots. Also I like our set up and hope to start our seeds that way also. But I need to further downside in my bedroom to make room for another shelving unit. I do have a month to wait on that though. 
   I have more to blog. But want to add pictures. So I'll hold off a minute. But know I do hope to blog plenty. Love to you all


Noel wright said...

Yay!! Glad to see you blogging again. And glad for the hope renewed in living where you are.

Salehi Six said...

I'm so glad you're back! I kept checking and being disappointed. I love your posts. 😊