This is my very favorite baby item! I got one when Tubby was a baby. He lived in it a easy 8 hrs a day! Never caused pain!
I am a huge fan! They are the greatest invention for Mommas! And Daddys! My girls love to wear it too. We are attachment parents and love to wear our babies!
I bought my first Ergo from http://www.thehomegrownfamily.com/ they are a great business! Fast service and very kind! A homeschool, healthy eating and baby wearing friendly business! I highly reccomend them!
Great selection too!
My first Ergo broke after several hundred hrs of baby wearing. And I called the Ergo baby carrier makers. They replaced it for free! And it was a nicer one. Same build but has lovely embroidery on it. Both companies have my respect!
I believe every parent needs diapers, a couple outfits, a car seat and a ergo! Everything else is fluff and unneeded. If you have one what do you think of it?
I am a huge fan! They are the greatest invention for Mommas! And Daddys! My girls love to wear it too. We are attachment parents and love to wear our babies!
I bought my first Ergo from http://www.thehomegrownfamily.com/ they are a great business! Fast service and very kind! A homeschool, healthy eating and baby wearing friendly business! I highly reccomend them!
Great selection too!
My first Ergo broke after several hundred hrs of baby wearing. And I called the Ergo baby carrier makers. They replaced it for free! And it was a nicer one. Same build but has lovely embroidery on it. Both companies have my respect!
I believe every parent needs diapers, a couple outfits, a car seat and a ergo! Everything else is fluff and unneeded. If you have one what do you think of it?
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