Jewbee sucks his fingers. He is my first child to do this. I must say despite the cuteness. I hate it. Really I do. I'll never allow it again. Why?
1. He doesnt do it when 'I' would want him too. Like in the car...
2. When wanting to nurse he'd stick his fingers in his mouth and not be able to eat. Which made him mad. If I kept his hand outta the way he'd fuss and not eat cause He was being held against his will.
3. I dread weaning him from it.
4. Fertility returns much sooner.
5. I hate to see him have to 'self- mother'
6. It really stalled my milk supply. NEVER had issue before.
Opinionated arent I. ;)
The other day we had a Thanksgiving meal with our bible study group. I held Jewbee and my little nephew. Since my sister was serving food. My nephew sucks his thumb. (which is adorable- I really wish it wasnt cute!) Jewbee his fingers.
Not sure what was going on in J's head but he decided the thumb didnt belong in his cousins mouth. It went in or almost in and he removed it. My nephew is not old enough to get mad at him about it yet. It was really funny! But I want Jew-bee to have a bully come steal his like he was doing to S!
The picture above was my boy last week feeling icky. He never showed any signs of sickness but was so tired for a couple days.
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