Joelle was 13 yesterday. 13. Let the flood begin. Seems once it happens for Joelle everyone else follows. At least I still have littles. 

She made her own supper and cake. She had Janet's salad. And a lasagna type dish she found a recipe for. It was a lot like stroganoff. It was yummy.

She wanted a chocolate mayo cake. But decided next time to get Grammys recipe. This was more brownie like.

Look at all that fire! Wow! My backwards bunny is all grown up in most everything. I'm grateful for her. She is masses of help for me. And has changed so much over the winter and now spring. In ability and looks. Sometimes I have to make her repeat something to me cause I was in my own thoughts on how much I almost don't recognize her. Ha!

N. In her night diaper. Cause it shows off her rolls the best. (We use cloth during the day. But I want to sleep at night. )

A Mother's Day picture. I wish I could share it with My Grandmas. Mothers are nice and all. But grandmas win. Always.

Because he is funny. We were watching 'Will it Blend?' On YouTube. It is entertaining. Or maybe we are easily entertained. You choose.

Wisdom played in the dirt. Then helped herself to salad and dressing. Requesting that I photographed it. <socialmediafoodieinthemaking>

Our first Mother's Day. Yep she was worth it all. My chunky little pasty girl. She makes me look tan. And that isn't a easy feat. Haha!
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