Sunday, April 20, 2014

Farm life is busy...

I've been almost to busy to pick up the iPad. But since I run a business on it.. I make that time. I've had a few requests for another post. 
   Today we have snow. Not sticking but between it and the muddy ground, I'll not be doing more than I have too outside. 
   Today's list (the short one) is...
Packing soap
Watering garden starts
Going to town for feed and errands
Making mozzarella cheese
Making butter
Organizing canning. (Seeing what is left)
Making a list of 'must can' for the summer so there are no shortages
Clean the kitchen

Hopefully that is it. We will see. 

In the garden we currently have...
25 lbs of potatoes 35 more to go....
3 lettuce beds ( that ripen in intervals)
Many herbs
Brussel sprouts
Cabbage green and red
Carrots several varieties

My spring garden is only half in. And this week it must get fully in. All my indoor sprouts are done. Only because I have no more containers to plant in...

I'll get pics of the garden soon. It is really looking good but we need to get straw for mulch. ASAP. 

Children are doing well. And also have their own gardens this year. Everyone. Last year only the 4 big girls did. That is super fun. 

 Chickens are nearly 5 weeks. Do to weather they aren't going out on pasture til Wednesday. Our latest ever to go out. But nothing can go perfectly smoothly every time right? Next batch comes in on Thursday.  
    Astrids puppies are also nearly 5 weeks. (Wednesday ) so they get to leave soon! Sad but wonderful. Spreading the astrid love. They are so fun. They are now leaving their barn room to wander around out there. So adorable!
Lilley cooked lunch. Her own creation. So yummy!
The puppies last week. We love them!

1 comment:

noel wright said...

Glad you are blogging again. Hope you have lots to share about Baker's Creek!