Friday, March 4, 2011

Full Breakfast.

Tubby wanted me to take a picture of his bowl.

Here is Daddy's spread.

Children bowls. They too were thrilled!


Our favorite HUGE cast iron skillet. Holds a lot of food Maynard!

Daddy likes a FULL breakfast. Problem is Momma rarely makes them. Sooo this day Daddy did. ( He would every day if time allowed for it) And he grabbed a girl to capture it. I think over 100 pictures were taken of the making of this meal! Oye.

It was very yummy! And took lots of time. (which is why I don't bother with it. Yes I am lazy. Thank you.)



Joshs_Rebekah said...

Josh makes breakfasts like that! Not only do we have to meet...our MEN do too!

Salehi Six said...

Now I'm hungry!!

Ma said...

so now that i've seen so many pictures of that breakfast...WHAT was in it?

hippie_mama said...

That's a manly breakfast! My dad makes them like that too <3