Friday, December 6, 2013


This is my sweet belle. She is wonderful. And due any day. Just got back in from checking on her. Udder has been swelling more and more this past week. But a bottom check shows no other signs. It is bitterly cold outside. So cold. Hoping it is ok. Need to get more straw.  Patrick is out running knife shop errands. And I am hoping to head out when he gets home. To get barn stuff and a few groceries. 
    Time to make Stollen. I am excited. I used to love baking cookies this time of year. But the work and mess of it plus gluten free... No thanks. I'll buy a special allergen friendly treat for those that need it or bake a single pan of brownies for them.  Then make stollen for the rest of us. Yummy. I can almost taste it. :)
Jocelyn,our cow has the runs. I am hoping to get something to help her out today. She has no other signs. So I don't feel to worried. But can't neglect it either. Poop. The curse of mothers and farm wives. That means I get many doses. Indoors and out. But speaking of poo. Judah. Judah is potty trained. Really. I set him down. Told him I was sick of buying diapers. And really he had to use the toilet.  And I would buy him a treat to have after each use of the loo. He requested chocolate. I gave him several choices and he settled hands down on PB chocolate. So naturally I bought the LARGEST  bag of Reese's Walmart had to buy.   And swore to sell him to the gypsy s if the $7 bag of candy failed me.  Oddly enough it worked. I buy less diapers now. And soon might try Wisdom. I used to push potty training. And fight and kick and scream along with the child. Now. I don't diapers are cheaper than the stress of adding potty training to my day. So until then I will have a potty chair in my living room. And hope she decides kinda soon. To train herself. And if not. I have reserved some $ to bribe her.    Or I just might sell HER to the gypsies. 

    For now I am enjoying my hot chocolate and warm up from my currently routine butt checks. I truly live the greatest life. 

1 comment:

Salehi Six said...

Awesome! I used candy too, works like a charm.