Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ugly little snapper.

The littles found him. Thankfully they asked if they could catch him. And DIdNT just do it. I then schooled them in snapper abilities. I am hoping we are safe from snapper captures. I think I put enough fear out there. 
    The children have caught so many turtles this year. So we have done many google searches to learn about them. Pretty interesting. They now can all sex a turtle. The youngers I have to go down the checklist so they can answer but they can figure it out quickly on their own.  They can tell the difference between breeds. I have never seen as many turtles as we have this year. But it is helping us with science. So I guess it is a win. As long as we manage to keep all of our body parts. No snapper captures. Period. 

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