Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Goat update

This is Luna. She has such a special face. And has a sweet calm personality. 
Wisdom loves her something special. 
Yesterday I took the kids to the neighbors ( kinda about 5 miles away) with the 4 littles. I was taught 2 things. One was obviously banding Moonshine. It was like nothing happened. He didn't even seem notice. I've been watching it for problems. No issues thus far. I could do it with just s child to help for sure. 
The 2nd thing was disbudding. Other than the smell it wasn't hard. I was scared to do it. But it is over fast and at least these two didn't make much protest. Moonshine did complain more. But he was just as loud about the disbudding as he was the being held beforehand. So I don't think it was a big deal for them. 
We came right home and gave them back to momma. She was glad to know we weren't keeping them away. They were only gone a hr total. Not bad considering we talked most of the time. 

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