Thursday, May 29, 2014

Current favorite book!

You can find it at I really love it! So not baby-ish! I love the projects! And I forget how I love having things in book form! She does things like I used too... I try but it is harder now to play with the children. I could give excuses (like lots of children in school, farm chores, house chores, etc...) truth is I just put it too low on the priority list...
    My children now at 9:30 at night are making a piƱata. As a photo in this book had one in the background. They couldn't wait to start. And I trying to help them have more fun said YES!!!! 
    I like saying yes. I need to say yes. My children need it too. 
  This book is a must have if you want to be creative and want your children to be also!

My little sister is married!

My sweet (and highly spunky) little sister is married! Happened this Saturday. Are they night adorable! And my children are excited about a new uncle! ( we have known him about 7 years. Love him! He is our neighbor and mechanic.) 
    They are on their honeymoon. Beautiful Arkansas in the background. 
   We are so happy for our auntie car-key!

A super fast timeline of me...

I think some things I post may be confusing. So a fast run down of me. 

1: born to a single mother

2: adopted by my 'step' dad. (One of the 3 greatest men in the world) I never thought he wasn't my daddy

3: 17 I was moved out and over a pile of silly or crazy events basically parent less. 

4: My suspicion of being adopted (knew but was afraid to ask since I was at least 12) was confirmed. I was a couple days from marrying Patrick. My 18th birthday.

5: a couple short times over the years my parents were part of my life. But briefly. 

6: we fell in love with a great family. They have since become my second and super close family. They have been around for so much. Deaths, marriage, hard times etc. 

7: I also met my biological sister. She is so great. Love her and her family. 
    We have a mutual sister that she grew up with. But I haven't met her yet. 

8: my parents are both part of my life again. Separately. But it is good. I am thankful for my children. Grandparents are something to be treasured. 

So when I say sister or mom or or or... You have a better understanding. I have so much family. And I like it that way. Family is the very greatest thing! The more the merrier. Generally speaking. ;)

Life is interesting. 

Rhyyan and her first rabbit.

Rhyyan made the kill and Joelle taught her how to skin and clean it. Rhyyan was so proud. Joelle save the brain and hide to tan. (She is reading about brain tanning. And at some point will pull it out of the freezer and try it)
    They were fully enjoying the task. It was so fun to see their excitement. They have wanted to get a rabbit for years! 
A little yabbit (wisdoms word) brain. 
Wisdom was not impressed though....

I ordered this...

I am beyond excited. This is one of the top things on my wish list. It will hold 19! Quarts per load! Heaven help me. I'll be needing more jars I'm certain. Isn't it beautiful?!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First chicken day in nearly 2 years

Today we butchered/processed our Cornish crosses. It was a family affair. We had a father son team come over to help and to put their mean rooster to good use. And some great friends (now Tennessee dwellers) help. It was fast and easy. And so satisfying. It really is a great blessing and joy. 
    Our Rhyyan (10) said we can not wait 2 years again. It is so awesome that they too love it. It is something everyone should know how to do. I know saying this is kinda anti modern America to say this. You know child labor, child knife use, meat not from a confinement farm with a poopy bleach bath, etc. But to know how to raise from eggs to meat is so empowering. And good for you. 
    My oldest 4 children can do each bit of the work. From incubating eggs to setting the chicken on the table for dinner. It is something I didn't do til I was in my mid twenties. But dreamed of my whole life. Since I was 17 I have helped Patrick butcher his fish and deer. And we butchered a cow when I was 21. 
    Do you have your children help do things like this? Do you do things like this? Did you know in most towns you can have a few hens to raise? I recommend it to all. I can think of no one that can't benefit for a chicken. We love them. So much so we have made diapers and had house chickens at times. (That is so nice! They clean crumbs better than a dog! ) 
   Patrick took pictures of our set up today. It was our best yet! I'll steal his phone later and post pics. But for now.... I wash dishes then make cheese....

Monday, May 19, 2014

Walk thru the past.

Papaw when stationed in Hawaii 34 years ago.

Papaw and Patrick. I don't know anything about this picture except that Patrick was 3.

Terry, Chris, Patrick's deer,Patrick, their daddy. 
Papaw as a child. This picture shows that is is fully related to Patrick and Judah. They are the real first second and third. Carbon copy's of each other personality wise. 

Monday, May 12, 2014


Tonight we have all earned bed.lots got done. On this Monday even. Kinda crazy. Mondays kill us. Parris and I are expecting it to come a different day this week. Hoping it doesn't though.  I had an extra job drawing. So everyone did something that needed extra attention in addition to their chores. It worked well. Plan is one a day. Some are easy and fun. Others aren't so much. But so goes life. 
   Number 1 plan is keeping busy. Productive. Hard not to fall into the lazy cycle at times. Or being so busy in the normal that we don't progress. 
   I need to clean up the iPad. Too full to take pictures. Blah. Might steal Patrick's phone for a bit to give yard updates. 
    Rhyyan and Lilley are flying in school. I let them learn to read later since it wasn't easy coming. And now they are really cruising. I like this later happening thing. But plan to lightly start Malachi in over the summer rather than wait for fall. He has been asking for more school. Might see if Judah will do it with him. He is really young. But I like doubling up the grades. 
     I thought this was a butcher week. But I think next week instead. The 3 big girls butchered a couple chickens today. They are still on the small side. Kinda a bummer. But waiting is also good. If we need the meat butchering a couple more isn't an issue. 
    I am proud of my girls.they have always done well with butchering. They respect the animal. Thank God for it. And gently butcher it to feed us. Or help butcher it. Some may think it is a silly thing to be proud of. But I am just the same. 
    Rhyyan just killed,skinned and cooked her first rabbit. She did well with it. Joelle taught her all the body parts. We don't generally eat unclean meats. But we also understand the desire she had to do so. She was sad she couldn't tell papaw. But so proud of herself. And we of her. :)
    Good night. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post tomorrow. 

iPad findings....

I have a like in posting pictures my children take of themselves. 

 These two do it the most....

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Judah the snake killer

Rhyyan painted his arms for him. They are snakes. 
He said it means he kills snakes. ;) he was so pleased!


Generally we go to church and try to rest. Note I said try. A long drive to church and long drive home. Choring and getting 9 people out the door by 9 isn't exactly restful. Leaving the house is lots of work. 
   Today Patrick had to run to Nebraska. So the 3 oldest aren't home. Just me and the 4 youngest. We are having a good day. I turned on Homestead Blessings cooking episode. And did outdoor chores. Then took them all out with me. 
     A picture just to have one. I love it! 

    I had to move 25 full sized laying birds from one chicken tractor to another across the yard. Then move about 95 barred rock roosters that are 2.5 weeks old to one tractor. And 60ish Cornish cross the same age to the tractor we emptied.  It was work. Took about 2 hrs. Beings my oldest helper was 8. Youngest 2. Keeping the boys on task is hard at times. But they did well. 
    Wisdom was upset I didn't give her the job of hauling the full grown birds. But I made up for it with the littles. She carried many. Lilley is an amazing chicken catcher. The boys lost a few and she chased them down and put them in the tractor. She is a pro!
    I quickly watered the onions I started planting yesterday. I need to do a better job later. But it is hot out today. I'll do it with evening chores. 
  I should have gotten pictures. But the work and littles didn't make that easy. Plus I use my iPad generally to take pictures. Which isn't easy to tote around. I will get pictures later today. Of the gardens and chickens in their homes. 
    Now we are cooling off with a bonanza episode. I promised a guy movie for the boys. :) I am doing this post then going to knit for a while. I am working on several projects right now. But today I am knitting a MT Knives signature stocking cap. I am behind in 2 orders. I need to get them done this week. The customers are picking them up. Then I hope to get several made for next winter. They sell well. And are a relaxing knit. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sandy and little woo.

So precious!

My grandparents

Are they not the most adorable couple in the world?!
My mother sent me this picture. I had never seen it before. This picture holds their personalities very well! 
   Wisdom looks just like my Grandma! She is so beautiful! Grandpa has been gone nearly6 years. Grandma nearly 4. Time flies. And I miss them just as much as ever. Still go to the phone to call grandma. Just to remember I can't. :(
   Life it so fleeting. I wish it weren't. 

PaPaw and cousin Jennifer.

I so miss this man. 
Losing someone you love is so stinking hard. He was the greatest. 
   My children do things and say they wish they could tell him what they did. He was proud of them. And everyone knew it. 
   I am glad we lived close enough to cherish him. To keep the relationship strong. And to give the children the best memories. 
    I just wish he were still here. 
Lil has learned how to make bread. The first week she was making it at least once a day. Her cinnamon rolls are amazing!
It is delicious! 

Lilleys first bowtie

She made it for tubby. He has begged for one forever. But turned it down due to the flowers....
    She did really well. No help from anyone. Even put on Velcro!
  I love it! And was very impressed!

First asparagus of the year!

Due to two neighbors ( one picks wild, one has a large planted area) and wild in our yard, we very easily eat 20- 70 lbs of asparagus a year. So wonderful! We love it!
    Creamed asparagus over cornbread. Or breaded and fried with eggs it is so delicious. I love spring food. 
   Living here causes several problems. Mainly having too much of a perishable food. Like milk, eggs and asparagus. And I never turn down fresh food. I buy or barter anything my neighbors have fresh. One neighbor I trade butter for eggs. That is so handy!