Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First chicken day in nearly 2 years

Today we butchered/processed our Cornish crosses. It was a family affair. We had a father son team come over to help and to put their mean rooster to good use. And some great friends (now Tennessee dwellers) help. It was fast and easy. And so satisfying. It really is a great blessing and joy. 
    Our Rhyyan (10) said we can not wait 2 years again. It is so awesome that they too love it. It is something everyone should know how to do. I know saying this is kinda anti modern America to say this. You know child labor, child knife use, meat not from a confinement farm with a poopy bleach bath, etc. But to know how to raise from eggs to meat is so empowering. And good for you. 
    My oldest 4 children can do each bit of the work. From incubating eggs to setting the chicken on the table for dinner. It is something I didn't do til I was in my mid twenties. But dreamed of my whole life. Since I was 17 I have helped Patrick butcher his fish and deer. And we butchered a cow when I was 21. 
    Do you have your children help do things like this? Do you do things like this? Did you know in most towns you can have a few hens to raise? I recommend it to all. I can think of no one that can't benefit for a chicken. We love them. So much so we have made diapers and had house chickens at times. (That is so nice! They clean crumbs better than a dog! ) 
   Patrick took pictures of our set up today. It was our best yet! I'll steal his phone later and post pics. But for now.... I wash dishes then make cheese....

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