Sunday, May 11, 2014


Generally we go to church and try to rest. Note I said try. A long drive to church and long drive home. Choring and getting 9 people out the door by 9 isn't exactly restful. Leaving the house is lots of work. 
   Today Patrick had to run to Nebraska. So the 3 oldest aren't home. Just me and the 4 youngest. We are having a good day. I turned on Homestead Blessings cooking episode. And did outdoor chores. Then took them all out with me. 
     A picture just to have one. I love it! 

    I had to move 25 full sized laying birds from one chicken tractor to another across the yard. Then move about 95 barred rock roosters that are 2.5 weeks old to one tractor. And 60ish Cornish cross the same age to the tractor we emptied.  It was work. Took about 2 hrs. Beings my oldest helper was 8. Youngest 2. Keeping the boys on task is hard at times. But they did well. 
    Wisdom was upset I didn't give her the job of hauling the full grown birds. But I made up for it with the littles. She carried many. Lilley is an amazing chicken catcher. The boys lost a few and she chased them down and put them in the tractor. She is a pro!
    I quickly watered the onions I started planting yesterday. I need to do a better job later. But it is hot out today. I'll do it with evening chores. 
  I should have gotten pictures. But the work and littles didn't make that easy. Plus I use my iPad generally to take pictures. Which isn't easy to tote around. I will get pictures later today. Of the gardens and chickens in their homes. 
    Now we are cooling off with a bonanza episode. I promised a guy movie for the boys. :) I am doing this post then going to knit for a while. I am working on several projects right now. But today I am knitting a MT Knives signature stocking cap. I am behind in 2 orders. I need to get them done this week. The customers are picking them up. Then I hope to get several made for next winter. They sell well. And are a relaxing knit. 

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