Thursday, October 23, 2014

Truth. We all need to hear.

Jumping ship. I've watched it happen several times. People I know and love walking away. Spouses leaving each other. Parents leaving children. Children leaving parents.friends leaving friends.  Why? Why do we not truly love? Why do we all care more for ourselves over God and others? I've been the cause and the victim in several cases. And both sides pay bitterly. 
    I talked to a girl the other day. She is young. But was fully rejected by her dad at 6 years old. And since has been rejected by dear friends. Some on purpose. Some by default. But they all hurt. She has scars. She was really hurt this week by a friend. But said she was ok. She was ok because she had just experienced 3 restored friendships last week. So she knows healing can come. She prays it does. She needs it too. Piles of rejection can kill. I've seen this girl grow. Over the last year I have gone from not really liking her for being immature. To really caring for and liking her. She is growing up. And makes me proud. I see good things for her future. She truly is a gem. 
   I found this saying a month ago. And have shared it with many. It has blessed me. I pray it blesses you.  I want so much to see friendships and families restored. And pray that God uses me to bless others. 
    Years ago we had problems with a family member. We chose to part ways. To stay away to protect our children. But it DIdNT last long. For many reasons. 1 we were wrong. Yes we felt it was best. We were tired of telling the children all we saw wrong. And having to correct untruths being told to them etc. but since then I know I wouldn't cut ties there. Ever again. They would pretty well have to threaten death or something. I cherish people more as I've gotten older. I hate division. I hate people giving up. I hate selfishness. I hate pride. I hate that I am these things more than I want to be. 
    Our God is greater. Awesome in power. He knows. He heals. He cares. For that. I. Am. Thankful. 

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