Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I had a silly idea.

We discovered a great vlog.
It is encouraging and we upped our data allowance to afford a tiny bit of data usage on it. 
   But they did a 100 day challenge to see what they could produce. But I got curious what we could do in a year. In gardening and foraging in the wild. 
    At first I thought milking and microgreens would be cheating. But I feel confident that they aren't. They are work. Produced here. 
    So I'm starting October 1st. Weighing every thing we produce. Hopefully for s full year. But I am a great starter. Not so great at following through... But I'm excited and I'm just going to jump in and see how long I can swim. 
   We are putting in the fall garden this week. Need to clean up the trash garden. Bring in the pepper plants. And till the garden for fall crops. It is a tiny garden. So I think it is doable. 

But for now this sweet girl and I are going to sleep. Love to you all!

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