Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Co Sleeping...


I have a lot of thoughts on this. Now to see if I can get them in order and call no one names. ;)

1: Most SIDS deaths are in CRIBS. I don't fit in a crib to sleep with my baby.

2: How'd the baby get the knife? If he gets cut he will cry and his parents will hear and help him. They are right beside him. (yeah comment was stupid but not as stupid as the ad)

3. How many deaths from co sleeping have you heard of that the parent was not drunk or high?? Both make them unresponsive. And not in a place to parent anywhere. Even if the baby were in a crib.

4: SIDS has been greatly associated with VACCINES that this health Dept. pushes. IMO it is a blame shifter. They are causing problems and want to blame parents. Parents get informed about vaccines! Mercury, Aluminum, and formaldehyde are not ingredients that make for healthy babies.

5: If suffocating were the reason of SIDS then sleeping in a crib away from other humans is unsafe. If a baby is 6 inches away from you, you'd feel him squirm trying to get a better breath. And could help him.

6:Knives are not dangerous. Vaccines are.

7: this ad makes me mad. It is unfair and biased. The article said 2 things that stood out to me. One blacks in the Milwaukee area have higher SIDS rates. (Do blacks cosleep more than whites? If yes then do they drink and get high more often too? Or is it because they are poorer and get more shots to keep government support? Honest questions here.)

Two the article said that Milwaukee had a larger rate of SIDS that third world countries. (Why?? Is it because they are richer and can afford a crib down the hall where they cant see or here it? NO. Is it due to sleeping with their parents? And siblings? Being able to nurse whenever. And have little to no vaccines in their tiny bodies? I think YES.)

We cosleep. Always have. Always will. Our children are all alive. Healthy and independent. I wouldn't want to sleep alone. I wont do that to my baby either. Get informed. Ignore scare tactics.


P.S. Baby sleeping on back thing. What happens if they spit up? I'd think they'd choke. How do your babies sleep?


Joy said...

That is such an obnoxious picture, isn't it?! We have co-slept with all of our babies...all born at home and all slept with us from the beginning. Ezra is almost 2 1/2 and he still sleeps with us (and still nursing). This ad makes me mad, too. It promotes ignorance and fear among those who are uneducated about the whole issue.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Well said.