Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MT Knives...

This is a mammoth tusk knife Daddy made for a Friend Jack Spirko from

It is my 3rd favorite knife he has made! It was hard to do. Mammoth tusk is more delicate than ironwood! It was a great process to watch. And has a really cool WOW factor.

This is my second favorite knife. The grain of the wood was amazing!

Really beautiful! Felt so nice to hold! Was hard to sell this one. A artful piece!

I wear a knife too. LOVE IT! I do everything with it!

Open packages, cut food in the kitchen, cut stray strings, make PB sandwiches at the park.

The list is endless! But I am not without a sharp knife. That is worth it's weight in gold!

So many times I have gone to a friends and had to use a dull knife. (Let me tell you that is painful! )

His knives he has started. Crazy that these will be beautiful knives soon! They are nothing to look at yet!

2 more beautiful knives! Everyone needs a Neck Knife!



Do Not Lose Heart said...

You are very talented people in so many ways!

Joy said...

Cool knives. :)