Monday, September 22, 2014

So busy...

Lots happening. Fall is busy. 

Lots of food to put up. And no where to put it...

Milk. Almost. Jocelyn calved Saturday morning. His name is Chester. We love him. Sooo much. He is seriously the cutest calf ever. Photos to come. They are on Patrick's phone. And he is at a fellow knife makers. Working on knives. I am milking her twice a day. Getting almost nothing. She still has the calf. And refuses to let me have more than 12 oz at a time. Tomorrow morning I remove the calf. Bittersweet. It is sad. Yet they don't seem to notice much. I am dying to have endless milk again. Seems I haven't milked in forever. Forever. But it was under two mths. By a decent amount.  
   Friday night I had moved her to a smaller paddock. For several reasons. 
1: she is closer to the house to see her birth. (Still I missed it) 
2: DIdNT want the horses to bother her. 
3: this paddock has more grass
4: I wanted to I guess. 

While I was out the moving them Wisdom was standing on the gate watching. I went over to her and smiled at her. She smiled back and said "Momma, Jocelyn is your baby, and I am your girl. " 
   Yes Woo. You are right. I love them both so much. I can't imagine not having my baby or my girl. 

Today I went out and laid down with Fawn (Jocelyn's last calf) I want to cherish her being a baby. Someday she will also give us milk. I hope to breed her next spring. When she is 18 mths or so. She is a good foot shorter than Jocelyn. I want her to get good and grown before. 
   She is a stinker. The more love you give her the more she demands. Have you ever been hit by a cow head? Yeah. Keep your eyes open. And be ready for a firm steady "No". I generally take a thin waterline tube out with me. She doesn't like the swinging sound and backs off. I forgot it today. I am not sure honestly how to train a heifer. But I hope I do at least decent at it. :/

   My freezer has stopped running. Again. Never by a freezer from sears. I have hated everything we have boughten from them. Everything. I have no jars to can anything. So something's are going to the chickens. And we are eating the rest fast. It is flaky. And might start back up again before long. Until that happens I am cursing it. And getting rid of it once it is empty. It has given us fits since the beginning. I can't tell you the number of times the service man came out while it was under warranty. And how frustrated I was when the warranty was over. 

   I need canning jars. Seriously like a few hundred. Please? I want to put up more apple sauce and pie filling. And Apple cider. And vinegar. And pumpkin. And potatoes. Our stores are out of qts. :( yes I am pouting. 
    Did I ever give an update on the amount of sunflowers? We had about 13 Lbs of seeds. I'm thrilled. We will plant at least double that next year. 

My food plan for tonight and tomorrow. To empty my soon to be full of milk fridge and bum freezer. 

Parris' cookies. They look awesome. I'll be eating them later. Mmmm children already started. Peanut butter sugar cookies. Melted dark chocolate in the middles. 
Patrick's DVDs came in today. 5 boxes of them. Holy cow. Huge packaging day tomorrow I think. Seems overwhelming. But will be so nice to be done too. 

I am getting ready to milk then start supper. And fill the dehydrator with the rest of the apples I have. I can use gallon jars. They are the only jar I have to spare. Might have to learn how to make a dried apple pie this winter. 
   I had meant to work on the garden again today. But the freezer and other chores ( moved the current chicks out of the barn to pasture. fixed the fence after removing the neighbors colt and mare from the pasture.  Etc. ) stalled that. Hard to get it all done. But I hope to at least water my lettuce tonight. I planted it on Saturday. Cleaning up the garden and planting it takes time. I am having to focus my time better. 

   Ok. Off here. I'll try to post pics tonight or tomorrow. No promises though. I'm busy. 

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