Monday, February 24, 2014

Homegrown pecans and German scrambled pancakes...

Auntie took our pecans to the feed store to be cracked. And our Grammy picked them up and delivered them to us. We sent 30 some pounds! From our own trees. And rhyyan, Lilley and Joelle have been peeling them. Yesterday Parris made buttered pecan brownies. So yum!

This morning. Made German scrambled Pancakes. They are so good! About a mth ago Patrick had a apprentice for a week. He offered to make breakfast. I didn't argue. ;) it was so yummy we have made it 2-3 times since. Mmmm it is so easy too!
My sweet helpers...
Judah's best egg cracking yet!

3 cups flour (we have used oat and wheat with great results)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup cream

Mix well. Then add
9 eggs.

Pour into a hot buttered skillet. 
Let sit til it starts to brown. Then stir like scrambled eggs. Til no longer doughy. 
For serving we use butter and sugar, maple syrup,chocolate chips, or like today a yummy cinnamon pecan topping. 
A rough recipe for that is: 
1/2 cup butter
2 cups pecans
2 tsp cinnamon 
1 1/2 cups sugar

Then I heated it on the stove til melted and yummy. 
Try this! You'll like it I'm sure!

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