Thursday, February 27, 2014

Things I've learned being the only adult

1: I can roast yummy coffee
2: I can make a feather stick to start a fire. 
3: being the only one is tiring. Not more work. But mentally tiring. They can't go to dad for stuff right now. 
4: boys need to physically have their dad. They must wrestle. 
5: going to bed early is my first love. 
6: wisdom nurses much much more without dada here. He generally can quickly put her back to sleep.  But she expects me to nurse her. 

I thought I'd have to learn how to split wood. But little brother did that for me. Yeah! I am though about 5% disappointed. It would have been fun. Maybe. But it isn't something I'd try unless forced due to lack of wood. 
   Up earlier this morning. I used self restraint when up with woo last night. And focused on sleeping. Not free night time Internet. Yea me! Now to chore, pack soap orders and clean before our bed comes. And the little girls reading buddy comes. 

Mark! Get set! Go!

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