Thursday, August 18, 2016


(Apple scrap vinegar) 

We went out and picked apples on Sunday. A good friend lets us have her apples. She has two trees. And they were heavy loaded. I took picking pictures. But they are on Patrick's phone. I'll try to remember to get them. 

We have dried 3 gallons of them. Canned 7 qts of applesauce. And 13 qts of pie filling. As well as 9 gallons of apple scrap vinegar are started. 

This is what we have left to work up. Then we head out to other trees. We have neighbors down the road that we get all the apples from their two trees as well. 
Here is the sourdough bread I just mixed up. I finally started another batch of starter a couple weeks back. Ferdinand is his name. He isn't overly excited. But he raises a nice loaf. And my canner loadi pulled out from last night. I pressure canned these. I don't have a water bath canner. But I know which one I want. Not sure when I'll get it it. But it is in line on the wish list. I need to look up the cost. That determines a lot on purchase time. 
   Our focus this year for apples is pie filling. Second dried apples. Third is vinegar. Last is sauce. We don't eat it like we used to. And last second dessert ability is great for company surprises. As well as I like to use it for desserts when friends have a new baby. I send it with 'crisp topping' mix. So they can put it together in a minute when a dessert is wanted. The girls have different number goals for how many qts they want to have. 100 qts is the smallest number I've heard. So we will see what we can do. 
   This morning we are doing basic chores. When Patrick is back from his walk I'm running to the local Mennonite store for more supplies. 

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