Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A partial digging...

This is part of our 5 gallons of potatoes the girls picked up today. They started to get taters from one of our beds. We have 5. This one was only half picked from the straw. Not yet even dug. Looking promising. We like potatoes. A lot. But these aren't good keepers. Might can some up in broth. Depends how many we get. 
But I was impressed and thankful! Our Lord is good. And I love farming taters. Despite our first year of potato bugs. (Hand picking is so gross and not fun...) he still blessed us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum! We had a pretty good crop of potatoes this year too, but ate most of them up already. Next year, we'll plant twice the amount.

Glad you got such a great harvest too!