Friday, August 15, 2014

Saturday morning green beans

My friend Lu got me 30 LBS of green bean! Ours didn't do more than enough to just eat. I need to plant way way more next year. My seeds were also old. Likely really old. Leftovers from my mother in law a couple years ago.
I read the rest of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to them. It is a hard book to read aloud. The sentences are long or something. Anne of green gables is hard to read aloud too...

They are a funny crew to work with. 
Snack time. They got hungry fast doing this. And lilley decided that fresh green beans and peanut butter is tasty! she is odd!

They had about a 1/3 done when I joined in snapping. And we made quick work of the rest of them. 
After this it started to sprinkle as we were cleaning up. So the girls ran out to get clothes off the line while I finished clean up. I was shaking a rag out the back door and Parris was coming in with a load of clothes... So... I stepped out of her way,right onto a rock on the sidewalk and twisted my ankle and landed on the sidewalk in a pile. So much for getting out of the way. ;) I was so annoyed. Wasn't sure if it was angering or funny.
   I was annoyed that I couldn't see a bruise unless the light was right. If it hurts and you can't walk on it it should look more hurt than that! Now my foot is still sore. I have to walk on my heel. Not cool. And it is a greenish tint of brown from the bruising. 
    Boo. I need to quit wondering what things would feel like. I really DIdNT need to know. ;)

1 comment:

Salehi Six said...

You are always so good at getting things done and being creative! Good job everyone!!