Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today's bounty

This is our second digging of potatoes this year. And last time we got more than this. One more big bed to go. We tried two methods this year. 
1: just planting the traditional  way and mulching. (All my beds) 
2: double digging and mulching. ( Patrick's) 

His did better than mine. But I planted more than him. His way is better. No doubt. But my goal was just to get them in the ground. And I was successful. I grew lots of taters. And I'm pleased. Very pleased. Roughly 5-6 five gallon buckets worth. And one large bed to go. 

Then all hot and dirty they jumped into playing play dough. It is getting old and crumbly so getting dirty DIdNT matter. Shower was busy and they were ready to play. 
   Sometimes it is hard to choose which work to do. My plan was cleaning my room. Til the middle of the night when I decided the potatoes were more important. Plus they are where I am planting the fall garden stuff. Soooo I needed to get busy. 
   I came in satisfied from the digging just to see the 2 loads of laundry on the chair begging to be folded and put up. But I have to decide it is a good thing to do in the heat of the day. Mornings are for the garden. And it is far from time wasted. 
    I am buying a couple soaker hoses for the fall garden. Watering is hard for me. We haul water out to the pasture for chickens.twice a day.  Then have to bring the hose back to the house area to water the garden. A 'easy' task I avoid. So Eli (Patrick s summer help) had watered over the summer. Now I have to. So I am planning easier ways. Like hose splitter and soaker hoses that stay where I put them. For me I have to simplify things. So they can get all done. Watering comes first in changing. 

I hope to plant on Monday. I am ordering hoses today. Now to decide the size of hose...


Anonymous said...

Did Patrick double dig the garden with a tiller? Is Eli not there anymore?

Patrick and Emily said...

He tilled. Then removed all the soft dirt. Tilled again then put all the dirt back.
Mine were just tilled once.

Patrick and Emily said...

Oh! And yes Eli has moved on. We really miss him but he is doing well and likes his new gig.