Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Famous suicide

Last week a man died. At his own hand. He was sad, hurting, in physical pain and who knows what else. But his death has become a circus. A circus of media, people trying to boost their web pages traffic. People debating whether or not it is a disease or spiritual issue or selfishness or or or....
   It is terrible. Not many think of his family. And their hurt. And their thoughts and pain. I have great opinion on suicide. It has hit a little close to home for me. I hate it. 
    I do believe it is a choice. But I also believe that you have to get help sooner than you really think you need it. Because at a point I think your mind is so clouded you no longer see a choice. Or a reason not to choose it. I don't believe it is a cancer. But the root of it is the same. Sin. When sin entered the world things changed. They got worse. I do think diet and lifestyle have a lot to do with it. Lack of sun cuts down on vitamin d and happiness. And generally if you are outside your moving. Another benefit of the outdoors exercise. 
    One thing his family said was he tried to help his depression with exercise. But sickness had slowed or stopped that. So his help was gone. At least one of them. And his sickness compounded things. Depression in my opinion (opinion only since I am not a doctor) is a mix of need for God and nutrition. I fully believe here in America with all our GMOs, chemicals, and dyes etc that we are not getting much real food. So our brains don't work as good as they should. Plus plenty of what we eat stops the good stuff we eat from being used correctly. 
   Plus the disease he had, my grandpa also had. It isn't easy. Your brain cells die. Your body shakes. Your body loses its ability to move like you want it to. Not to mention his age was getting to where he had to keep up on things or see a decline. 
   He had a lot against him. He saw it wasn't possible. And he was right. It wasn't. But he looked to death rather than life. (In Christ. ) and he is gone. His family hurts. He always talked so much about his children. I hope they know his love for them.  And I hope they find The Lord. I can't imagine losing my Dad. But they have. It a terrible way. And now they also have to live with the stupid media. I hate that. 

   I didn't use his name or his disease in this post. I refuse. I don't want to add to the frenzy of info. I think it is sick and horrible that people are using this death to benefit themselves. But I was in the mood to write down my thoughts. 

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